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Macdrabble Tales Volume 2
Welcome to Volume 2 of my Drabbles. The format will be essentially the same as the main site.
Each week a new story will be added. You can move backwards and forwards between the stories using the various links and also move between the volumes .

This is the latest story which was published on Friday 11th March 2022.
Titled 'Toby Writes a Letter'
Click the link to go straight to the story.
Playing with the Big Boys
Tilly's Life Changes
Lost Love
Lazy Days of
At the Crossroads
Fairy Magic
Trapped by Smoke
Late Memories
Destroyed Lives
Ted Dog
More Than a Bus Ride
So many questions
so few answers
An Apple one day
The Trip was Fun
Spoilt Child
Billy No Mates
Doggy Cool
The Faithful Runabout
The Consultation
Too Much Too Soon
In the Land of Make Believe
Laura and Percy have new neighbours
Lilly and Walter go to a Reunion
Mary and Frank go on forever
Mabel and Daniel go to see Friends

Not Long to Go
How did they last 30 years
Old Habits Die Hard
More Than A Name
A Very Busy Man
Looking for Love
Sir Roger
Pressure of Work
The Tunesmith
Being Humpty Dumpty is not easy
Days of Yore
So Many Voices
Don't Mess With Pauline
Sammy Searches for Gold
A Folksy Evening
Snakes and Ladders
Toby Writes a Letter
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